Wednesday 30 April 2014

WaveOfAction Only Just Launch A Facebook For activists!!!

Last night organisers call launched the website we'd been anticipating for days, since we sneaked a peek around it last week. It has been hard going keeping it to ourselves!
It is just what is needed for the activist scene to keep up to date and get organised, furthermore it ties in beautifully with our Start a ripple make a wave article last week. We cant wait to get started properly with it and meet all you lovely people striving for a better tomorrow.
Signing up is simple, the standard email verification. If your visiting on a mobile please scroll down and click open full site if it doesn't seem like there's much there's, as a few people have mentioned this. Its very new so please bare with and report any glitches you may find to Wave Admin who will automatically be your first friend.

It has some excellent features Timelines, Chat, Petitions, Blogs, Crowd-Sourcing, Music, Pages, Mutual Aid all invaluable to activists and a real buzz from new users I have spoken too. It really is a fantastic way to collaborate with activists and organisations around the world.

Another bonus in my eyes, is stepping back from the evil empire of data mining AKA Facebook and still being able to communicate with everyone. Facebook has banned me, hidden posts from my favourite pages and even deleted my photos because I was feeding a baby in the background ffs! I for one will be glad to get on a social media platform that wont sell my details to the highest bidder, nor ban me for speaking out.

Saturday 26 April 2014


Beach Themed Flash Mob Tube Ride

Saturday, 21 June 2014 at 12:00

We will be celebrating the Summer Solstice with a #WaveOfAction Mass Meditation  (11am Trafalgar Sq) before heading over to join the Peoples Assembly's Anti Austerity Demo and Free Festival at BBC HQ! See event here

We invite you to travel with us on the underground to the Peoples Assembly event in beach theme fancy dress to protest the use of water cannons against protesters. We hope to give the public something interesting and funny to watch, that they can engage with and learn from.

The beach theme and "short but sweet" tube ride will be to raise awareness of the mayor of London Boris Johnson's decision to allow the use water canons Against anti austerity demonstrators! You Can't get us with your canons in the underground Boris!!!
Join us at 12 noon Trafalgar Square we walk to the tube station, we may need to conceal some outfits or inflatables till inside Tube Station.  We will be travelling to Oxford circus to stand against the BBC and austerity! Hope to see you there!!! :)


Friday 25 April 2014

The Importance of Wave of Action

So, I was scanning through Facebook, one day, when I saw this ad looking for bloggers about the wave of action, and I thought, yeah I wouldn’t mind trying that, so I replied to them.
Lo and behold, I got a reply back, asking me to write about the state of global current affairs and high level corruption going on in today’s world.
Well, that’s a pretty big subject to broach, so I sat back and gave it some thought for a few days. During that time I’ve spent time with my daughter, her friends and some of my own. I think what’s surprising me the most is the complete lack of interest from the common man.
It got me wondering about my own apathy towards world events over the years, and how would I approach someone who was completely unaware of these subjects and the facts. I should point out that I’ve never voted. I’ve always been of the opinion that it doesn’t matter who you vote for the government still get in and royally shaft us all. That’s all.
I arrived at the conclusion that the best way to do that would be to do it the same way I have over the last six months or so. I’m going to introduce you to the names that have influenced my reasons for thinking that worldwide wave of action is absolutely vital to us all.
Maybe I should share a bit about myself, at this point. I’m a 41 year old, single, working class, unemployed guy being treated for bipolar disorder. I’m a Geordie and I live on the outskirts of County Durham. I would say my world view has changed drastically in recent times.

I’ve seen the good times and the bad, over my 41 years on this planet, and right now I believe we’re at a tipping point, as a society.
If you’re reading this, then you already have an inkling of what is going on in the world today. When you look at it, the whole complex situation of energy, resources, banks, corporations, governments, corruption, austerity, disparity, disillusionment, the list goes on, it all seems a tad James Bond and couldn’t possibly true. Could it?
Ok, my first introduction to you: Max Keiser. He’s a financial reporter on RT, who lays out exactly how the banks work, who they’re run by, for what purposes, how they do it and how they get away with it. He lays it all out in clear terms and has reported repeatedly about the mysterious deaths and ‘suicides’ of a number of high profile bankers.
We hear each and every day about government corruption and abuse of power. He tells who the real players in the game and how they’re influencing everything. If you can watch him without getting really angry, you’re a better man than me.
My next introduction would be Abby Martin also of RT. Abby is completely outspoken about any and all injustice’s currently going on in the world. She has real guests who tell us in no uncertain terms how this corporatocracy is influencing world events. Abby Martin was my introduction to the dangers of fracking and the real players on the world stage.
The latest to join this list, is a very courageous man by the name of Michael Ruppert. Sadly Michael gave his life in recent weeks to bring attention to his cause. He felt that all he had left to give was his life to bring attention to what is coming. If you don’t know about this guy, then I suggest you go to youtube right now, search for his work, and watch an interview with him called Collapse.
When you watch it, remember that this interview was filmed in 2009. This is a man you can take seriously. He’s not some quack. He’s highly respected across the world. When he talks, you should listen.
Anyone who gives their life selflessly to highlight a cause he feels is so dire, deserves to have that act respected - and for people to pay attention to what he has to say.
Next, and I know some of you may balk but at this choice, but it's Jesse Ventura. Love him or loathe him, he’s an outspoken critic of the status quo in the US. He may seem a bit loud and at times completely barmy, but again he’s a voice you can trust. He’s done the system top to bottom. He’s an ex navy seal and former governor. He knows the game and he knows the players. He’ll have you thinking he’s just another conspiracy theorist. To quote Michael Ruppert, “I don’t deal in conspiracy theory. I deal in conspiracy fact.”
If, by now, you’re slowly starting to wake up to what is truly going on in the world, and gaining some insights to the players from the mainstream media outlets, such as BBC and RT, then you’re getting a fairly decent idea of the hypocrisy of the 1% and how they’re raping this world in the name of unsustainable growth for the sake of a quick buck.

Climate change is real and the corporations are loving it. It allows them to plunder more dirty fossil fuels from the poles where they wouldn’t have been able to get too before. This is a massive boom for them. They don’t care about what they’re leaving to their kids or grandkids. All they care about is the money they can make and the power they can hold.

Is there any hope at all that we, as disparate individuals, can affect real change with worldwide wave of action?


There are hundreds of options, and all of them are open sources on the internet. Free energy is a reality and people across the world are working on it right now. These generators only need to be able to knock out enough to run a household system or a car, and from everything I’ve seen so far, that’s more than possible now.
You don’t think so? Go check out the works of Nikola Tesla. Then look at the people who are following up his work now in the likes of Daniel Nunez and Marko Rodin. The great thing these guys are doing, they’re putting their work out there open source for anyone to try and work with and improve upon. If you’re a techy type and love to tinker, these are the guys to be looking at.
Do we need fossil fuels?
No! Everything we need from fossil fuels we now have the technology to produce from industrial hemp. In fact, industrial hemp is the biggest threat to the status quo right now.
If it was to be grown on an industrial scale across the country we could be providing our own textiles, biofuels, plastics, animal feeds, health foods, effective medicines, building materials, everything a thriving modern society needs. Even electronics. The new wonder material of the age grapheme, can now be mass produced cheaply and effectively from hemp bast.
As technology has improved over the years, almost everything is automated. We can 3d print houses now. How long will it be before we’re building sky scrapers that way using materials like hempcrete and hemp carbon fibres, which as Henry Ford proved, is actually 10 times stronger than steel. As technology takes over more and more, where is the need to work? There will always need to be a need to work to improve our circumstances. It’s called evolution. The world will always have people who want to push the boundaries of what is possible and there will always be those that just want a comfortable life at home with their families.
The universal basic income is an idea that is gaining traction now across the world, and one I support completely. We’re stuck at an impasse as a race, confined by bars of debt, money and corrupt legislation. What if those bars were lifted? What if you could do whatever you wanted to do, whenever you wanted? What if all of your cares were taken of to the tune of say £500 per week? How many of you in all honesty could say you would stay home and not work? Or not find something to keep you busy? I know I couldn’t. It would drive me around the bend.
The argument that people wouldn’t work is invalid or the likes of Bill Gates would have given up long ago. This approach makes work really pay. Your basics are taken care of and if you want extras like holidays, flash cars and the like then you work for it.
There will always be a need for a workforce to drive this technology and new future forward, and we will all be a part of that. However, that doesn’t mean that someone should be penalised because there aren’t enough jobs to go around. People can keep saying that those that aren’t working should 'get a job', but if there’s no work there, how can they? Again, its blaming the people at the bottom for the folly of those at the top.

How do we affect change individually?

There are a number of options. The freeman on the land movement is one which is gaining notoriety, and does show a lot of promise. Opting out of acts of parliament, if enough people do it, how can they contest it? We are governed by consent. What happens if we remove that consent?
The thing you have to remember about the acts and statutes handed down by parliament is that they are made by crooks to protect crooks. So if they’re made by crooks then surely they can be made to work for us too?
My next introduction now is to a man who is highlighting this very subject very well indeed. He goes by the name of Simon Spaniard on Facebook and his Youtube channel is Whiterabbit. For instance, we’ve all seen the stories in the news about big names committing tax evasion. Did you know though that there isn’t actually a law obliging anyone to pay taxes? Mainstream media are making these people out to be crooks to scare us in to thinking we must pay taxes or get hauled before the courts and possibly banged up.
This very subject is covered in a documentary I watched recently called America: Freedom to Fascism.
Simon is another who has woken to the fact that we live in a world built on fear of the system. He’s now showing others how losing that fear and contesting the system to make sure the legislation in place is being applied correctly. If you’ve not heard of him, he’s another who will have you raging at just how crooked our system is.
There are similar movements in the get out of debt free campaign. Play the banks at their own game, using their legislation and bankrupt them. There is also the make wars history campaign highlighting the fact that under the terrorism act, paying fines and taxes to a government at war is actually considered a war crime by the ICC.
If we withhold our money from these people en masse, again, what can be done about it? Do they cripple themselves with legal bills? Maybe they just cart us all off to concentration camps?
This again is where the individual can do their bit. A decentralised movement can have more effect, as it gives nothing for the government to aim their water cannons at, or gain any amount of positive traction to their advantage on, because it would be a populist, pacifist movement.
Look, we all know that corruption is rife within the corridors of power across the world. We’re all angry at the level of complete impunity that these people operate at. How do we put an end to it?
Easily. We are the system. As long as we all allow the system to continue then it will. It can’t work without us. What if everyone stocked up so that they could take a month or so off work? What if everyone, in unison, just said, ‘Enough is enough! We want better!’, and then downed tools until we got it? What if we withheld our taxes? What if we shopped locally, grew our own fruit and veg, traded for real goods and services with each other?
All of these things and far more are possible right now.
What is needed is the courage of conviction to see it through. What is needed is to not let the mentality of, ‘well, if I don’t do it, someone else will!’, to stop us from doing what we all know is necessary.
There is, without a shadow of a doubt, a bright future ahead of us, if the best, boldest and brightest of us become the change we want to see in the world. The internet is that light. It has all of the combined knowledge of the world - and that knowledge is power in the right hands.
However, that light is being targeted with ill intention by the very corporations who wish to allow their folly to continue. The proposed TTAP and TTP would censor the internet and not allow anything that would affect a company’s interests to be criticised in any way. They will effectively end up writing our laws, our history, and our future, to their advantage, unless we all act now as one.
They are the 1%! We are the 99%. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out the odds.
To the police and armed forces of this and any other countries, I say, look to the people you’re facing in the streets. These people are not your enemies. They are your brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters. I’ve worked with all of you at one point or another, and I know the vast majority of you are decent people who actually want to do the right thing. So do it! Right and wrong is not a matter of legalese. Right and wrong is a matter of morality and should be acted upon accordingly.
Your friends and family are dying in their droves because there is no justice in the system.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Thursday 24 April 2014

How I stay positive - Hope it helps you too

As my fellow blogger said in one of the wonderful ways to make change locally : spiritual wellbeing is crucial at this time, especially if you’re working on fighting the good fight, doing things differently, trying to make change.

So, let me share some stuff that brings me wellbeing - things that keep me sane, give me hope, inspire me to keep going, railing against the system, the injustices, campaigning, being the best I can be, as real as I can be, in spite of the tiredness, time restraints and apparent obstacles. Phew! Let’s face it, this era is exhausting. We could all do with some help at times. So here are my faves:

* Some yoga sun salutions every morning – otherwise I ache and feel sluggish. Definitely feels good and starts the day in a pro-active way.

* Meditating, sometimes just for a few minutes, every day, up to 20 minutes once a week with two friends, being still, connecting to the breath, the peace. It always makes me feel better, more patient, present. Essential, but easy to let slip for some reason - don’t!

* Regular listening to this inspirational and beautiful song by Nahko Bear (Medicine for the People) called Manifesto:
'Don't waste your hate, but rather, gather and create,' he sings. 'Find your medicine and use it.'

Spot the Banner of Peace flag at the very beginning, the official flag for the Planet Art Network and World 13Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement. The symbol and the Roerich Pact were created by Russian artist and humanitarian Nicolas Roerich, as a response to the destruction of the First World War and the Russian Revolution. It’s an international treaty protecting cultural and artistic heritage, signed in 1935, by India, the Baltic States and 22 nations of the Americas including the US. So just as the Red Cross protects hospitals, this symbol and signed international law is there to protect culture. On this symbol of human unity, the three red circles represent the arts, science and spirituality within the one greater circle of culture. Red to represent the one blood we all share. Worth remembering to wave this flag at any event you hold, along with the rainbows and slogan placards.

* Gathering with mates to dance to house music, began by the recently deceased Frankie Knuckles, among others, and carried on in many souls for the last 20+ years. Dancing to house lifts my spirits most, I think. It’s shamanic, eh? Mainstream news occasionally wonders: 'What became of the ravers?' And assumed we all settled down in our slippers and sofas. Well, no, not entirely. THIS is what became of many of the ravers. We are people who really connected with each other, across generations, races, cultural boundaries. So many of us have danced with and hugged strangers half the night, put the world to rights for hours (at the chill out afterwards), seen a better side to people, felt the love (drug-induced or not) of the music, of life, of each other. It was – and is – there between us all. Yeah, I’m clearly an old hippie, reincarnated into an old raver. I'd definitely do it all again. 

* Letting in astrology, about the bigger picture, how the planets are affecting us globally – as it all shows that a battle is being fought between the old ways of doing things that are now so corrupt and mercenary and murderous, and the rise of the new way of peace, the manifestation of the '60s spirit of peace and love. The planets also show the rise of the feminine side of life, after millennia of oppression, to bring balance, not overpower, the dominant, material, masculine world with a more feeling, caring, nurturing side. Change is occurring. It really is. Hang on in there and keep doing good stuff!

* I tune in every week to Kaypacha. He’s like Owen Wilson in Zoolander, for real, and very real. An incredibly perceptive, intuitive astrologer explaining the signs of our times very eloquently and clearly:

He constantly explains how we’re going into a new paradigm, or rather, creating many new paradigms or ways of living differently. Many communities are getting together to make their area work more sustainably, cohesively and positively. Transition Towns, for example, are happening all over the country, and the world, with communities transitioning off oil, into being self-sufficient, growing their own food, making their own energy, helping each other spiritually, emotionally, physically, trading skills, and using their own currency (more on this in a future blog).

* Planning stuff to do for this Wave is exciting. I’m going to find out more about my nearest Transition Town and go to a meeting, and aim to get our large village into the zone as well. I want to show Occupy Love at the community centre. Who knows what else may come to mind or fruition. If I have to do more anti-fracking protesting, carnival style like on Solidarity Sunday in Balcombe, then I’m up for it. (But surely, fracking is so crazy and obviously about the money for the boys and sooo against the environment, the future, the people, that it’s got to disappear into the ether soon, when everyone realises it's proper madness. Please!). 

* This weekend, on Saturday 26th April, at 6pm. I'm going to join in Lynne McTaggart's Healing Intention Experiment, an online experiment to test the power of thoughts to change the world. Could be interesting, and seems as much a part of this Wave of Action as anything. And I'd like to get out in the woods and see the bluebells, as walking in nature is one of the best free medicines of all and we all need to get away from technology, sometimes.  

What are you going to do? What you do to stay spiritually sane and how will it help this wave gather pace? 

Waves Happy: Pharrell Williams #SelfieRevolution

Come On Get Those #SelfieRevolutions coming this way #WaveOfAction send to or tweet @WaveOfActionuk

Tuesday 22 April 2014

#Earth Day - Ukraine's Pot Hole Planting #WaveOfAction

Creative residents of Kolomiya of the Ukraine put their heads together for a fantastic #WaveOfAction. They protested against the poor road conditions by planting in pot holes. A truly beautiful political statement. 

According to unknown activists planted tulips in the holes of the roads. It is also known that on April 9th local youth organizations planned to make a protest. If the demands of the citizens to renovate the roads is not fulfilled the activists threaten to plant trees instead of flowers. 

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Plant Seeds of Positivity on Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day - even Google tells us so.

A day of worldwide love for Mother Earth, of unified meditations to connect us all together on this one beautiful planet.

Join in the Master Shift meditation today.  Or the Unify one here:

If you can't get to a computer, or haven't got the chance to tune in at the various times, tune in any time to mother nature, by getting outside and breathing the fresh air deep into your lungs. Go for a walk in the forest. Hug a tree! Feel the strength and resilience in its huge trunk, with roots going deep into the soil and branches reaching into the sky. You have that strength and resilience to get through whatever life is throwing at you, and help make this world a better place. You can do it. We can all do it together, as one.

Today, on Earth Day, plant some seeds in a pot, any old container, or your garden or windowbox. While planting the actual seeds imagine what seeds you'd like to plant in the world to make it better, to help it heal, spread more kindness and happiness. As you fill in the soil and water it, visualise your seeds of intention growing, blossoming, as the spring and summer progresses. Who knows what great things may grow as well as your tomato/lettuce/sunflowers?

In the 13Moon Calendar, this year is called Yellow Galactic Seed, which fits perfectly with the global seed planting happening today. We have the potential for great change, if we just focus our intentions on what we want to happen, not what we don't want to be happening. Seed years are about targeting our awareness on what we want to flower and trusting that nature will ensure that it blooms into life.

If you want to be more militant about your planting, then get Guerilla Gardening and dig in trees along concrete paths, or set seeds of vegetables on roundabouts. Any green or muddy space will do to plant some crops to feed the community, flowers to cheer people up or trees to clean the air.

It's time to get your hands dirty!

Monday 21 April 2014

Q:Why Do We Need a #WaveOfAction?

Q:Why Do We Need a #WaveOfAction?

A:Because we are "Owned & Operated"

Owned and Operated is a mosaic of the world through the lens of the internet. Showing our lives as consumers, under the thumbs of privileged individuals and their methods of control.
But the world is awakening, and the experience is something outside the normal rules of social interaction, causing excitement in those who are not served by the current system... and fear in those who are pampered by it.
This documentary attempts to present these events using the video, audio and written content uploaded to the internet by the collective human consciousness comprised of every individual participant.

Friday 18 April 2014

#WaveOfAction Be The Change We Need!

Please show your support for wave by adding a twibbon to your profile pictures.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Good Friday Agreement

Gregorian Calendar: Friday 18th April

13Moon: White Magnetic Dog

Good Friday

As well as taking the power back for ourselves, this worldwide wave of action is, of course, also about what we can do for others. How we can help each other make this world a better place: from paying restaurant bills for others to volunteering, to being kind more to connecting in the spirit of peace and happinedd. It all helps us, anyway, makes us feel good about ourselves to know we made someone or many happy in some way. Warm, fuzzy feeling inside. You know.

One Good Friday, in 2003, writer Danny Wallace made a Good Friday Agreement - He decided to do good stuff all day, good deeds for others, random acts of kindness. It’s an idea has spread around the world with the Random Acts of Kindness group in the US and others setting up to encourage the many ways you can …well… do random acts of kindness. It’s nice. Life’s not all about fighting the good fight. Sometimes you’ve got to do the good things. Spread a little happiness. Be the love!

So, go for it! See what good things you can for others on every Friday from now on – and why stop at Friday? Every day, something different? From the large scale - holding a raising awareness gig, party or talk to going shopping for your elderly neighbour, volunteering for a charity or helping at your local school. Keep up the good work!

Astro insight

Astrologically, with the Grand Cross of four major planets in change-making signs causing chaos, but Venus guiding us through it, this is the time for the spirit of the 60s to rise again in its dreams for a better world. Could it be realised this time around? If enough of us get up and get involved. We have to do it ourselves now, with countless single brilliant acts, which will all add up to one big movement, if we’re all moving in the right direction: to something better.

In terms of the 13Moon calendar, it’s White Magnetic Dog – the start of a new wavespell, where the enquiry you can ask yourself on this first day of 13 is ‘what’s my purpose?’

Seriously. See how well that fits in? Synchronicity, see. So ask it and just see what you magnetise towards you, what comes up in line with the nature of the Dog, This time is now all about loving each other, loyalty to your tribe, living from the heart, compassion, running into the sea! And sometimes just resting, in front of the fire, with your tail wagging! Sounds pretty good to me. Read more here:

Here’s a great piece for finding more out about the calendar and how you can make it work for you, from Kindred Spirit magazine – with the list of all 13 days’ questions to work with the energy of the White Dog:

Happy Good Friday and Easter (Oestre) Weekend. May the vibrant spring energy fill you with inspiration and action for the year ahead!

Some Of the best Benefit Advice Online - Secure your rights and avoid Jobmatch and Workfare

Please if claiming benefits visit they have excellent advice, a small example is provided here!

Twitter: @refuted Email:

Why your consent is very important: DWP, Employers and Work Programme Providers

Understanding Welfare Rights can at times seem very frustrating and confusing. But do remember the frontier of rights is ever shifting.
Consent is very important
The website was set up on 21 December 2011, as a way of securing people’s rights of consent to how their Personal Data is obtained, processed and shared, under the Data Protection Act requirement to obtain explicit consent from participants conscripted onto the DWP’s flagship Work Programme.
As a mark of’s success after 25 months since the June 2011 launch of the WP and complaints from it’s Providers unable to secure outcome payments[cash], as people either withheld or withdrew their Personal Data sharing consent, the DWP and ConDem coalition has sought to subvert the long standing principle of consent by issuing a Designation Order. All highlighted in the WP Memo 134:
WP134 Provider Memo – Claimant consent   17 October 2013   Guidance
This issue arises from employers and Work Programme providers being prevented from claiming job outcomes[cash] by individuals removing or not giving consent for their employment in formation to be shared with DWP.
Q: Can I still regain control over my consent?
A: Yes
Whilst the DWP and it’s WP Providers have been given new powers to contact employers to track WP participants so they can obtain or validate payment claims. There is no obligation for employers to give either the DWP or it’s Providers employee Personal Data.
There is no legal obligation on employers to provide [employee] information[to DWP or it's Providers] and they can not be sanctioned for failing to do so.[emphasis added]
From: ‘Consent Flag’ – DWP Central FoI Team – 29 October 2013 –
Q: What should I do then?
A: Do not give employer/employment details to the DWP/Jobcentre or it’s Providers and or Write to you employer saying something along the lines of:
Dear Employer,
RE: My Data Protection Act (1998) consent to share my Personal Data
I am writing to advise that I do not or no longer consent/give permission for you as my employer, under my Data Protection Act (1998) rights, to confirm or deny I am employed by you or to share my employee Personal Data including but not exclusively my Job Title, Hours of Work, Works Number, Wages etc, with any Third Party.
If anyone whatsoever should contact you for my Personal Data please request them to write to me  at my home address, permission for you to share my home address is not given.
Please note any Third Party includes The Department for Work and Pensions/Jobcentre Plus or any of it’s Providers such as [Name of Provider/Subcontractor].
If anyone supplies you with a form a signed giving consent to share the aforementioned employee person data, I confirm this is no longer valid.
Exceptions to above are given for HMRC for income tax and national insurance purposes.
Beside HMRC, if you do supply any of my Personal Data to any Third Party, please supply me with a copy of my Personal Data share and a copy of the Third Parties written request.
Please confirm in writing that you received and will be acting upon the instructions set out in this letter to ensure your compliance with the Data Protection Act (1998)
Comment: Further research needed on how this relates to Universal Credit, particularly in-work conditionality.
Notes: Welfare rights law and DWP guidance, in particular, changes frequently. You may find more recent information via or by using the website search facility (top right)

Work Programme: You can still withdraw consent to share personal data with a Third Party

“However, whilst on the Work Programme, participants may withdraw consent that they have given where it concerns their provider sharing data with a third party.
Where participants have given their consent for the Work Programme provider to share their data with a third party, they may withdraw this consent at any time”
Or do not give consent in the first place!
“For consent to be fully informed and freely given you need to tell the customer exactly why you need the information, what you are going to do with it and whom you might share it with. We cannot put any conditions on a customer to try and persuade them to consent.“ Source: DWP Jobcentre  policy on Consent

DWP and Providers do not need consent to contact employers, for payments.

Via a Freedom of Information disclosure of 13 December 2013 it confirms that DWP Providers do now have the power to contact employers, regarding Work Programme (WP) Outcome or Sustainment payments, without a participants consent on the basis of a Designation Order.
Power to do what?
Power to contact employers without consent is not the same as any power to require an employer to supply any employee Personal Data. No such power exists, that requires an employer to disclose employee Personal Data to the DWP or it’s Providers for the purposes of Work Programme (WP) Outcome or Sustainment payments.
DWP guidance amended on 16 December 2013 still requires Providers to give WP participants a leaflet explaining these changes.
“Written and Informed Consent via Designation Order
17. Providers will need to present all of their customers with a leaflet explaining the Departmental position in respect of consent to contact an individual’s employer.”
For Providers to obtain such payments and the DWP to validate this all assumes the participant has any obligation or desire to inform either the DWP or it’s Providers of any employment/employer, which they do not. Additionally nothing stops an employee from formally writing to any past or present employer informing not to share theirpersonal data with a WP provider or the DWP. Under the Data Protection Act (1998) any employer would still need  explicit employee consent to share personal data in this context.
There is no legal obligation on employers to provide [employee] information[to DWP or it's Providers] and they can not be sanctioned for failing to do so.[emphasis added]
From: ‘Consent Flag’ – DWP Central FoI Team – 29 October 2013 –
“There is no requirement to provide information [to the Jobcentre] about your employment when ending your [JSA] claim.”
From: DWP Central FoI Team – 21 September 2012
“Clarification that when completing form WP07b [Change of circumstances] to notify JCP that the participant has started work, full employer details should be suppliedwhere known. [emphasis added]
From: Amendments to Work Programme Provider Guidance – 10 October 2013
Confusion on provider powers in this area caused as guidance given to DWP providers seemed to suggest they did need to seek explicit consent to comply with the Data Protection Act from participants and this new power only related to DWP not requiring consent, but it transpires both DWP and it’s Providers have equal powers in this regard.
Original guidance to WP providers said :
“…need to obtain the  customers consent for you to do this [contact employers]  in order to meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act”
As of 16 December 2013 the above quote has been removed and replaced with:
Written and Informed Consent via Designation Order
17. Providers will need to present all of their customers with a leaflet explaining the Departmental position in respect of consent to contact an individual’s employer.
18. DWP now has a designation order in place that allows the Department and Providers to contact the customer’s employer directly to validate employment details.
19. There is no longer a requirement for you to obtain customer consent to allow DWP to contact a customer’s employer or for you to contact an employer in
connection with Outcome or Sustainment payments.
To reflect above updates will be made to the withhold/withdraw consent letter and other related comments posts like:
On Work Programme (WP)? Got/Getting a Job? Want to stop DWP/Jobcentre and or WP Provider harassment; getting paid?
Notes: Welfare rights law and DWP guidance, in particular, changes frequently. You may find more recent information via or by using the website search facility (top right)

Withdraw consent from Work Programme Providers

Completely revised: 04 Mar 14 – Now with updated comments on consent from DWP (28/2/14) in Part 1, New letter in Annex A, to stop employers sharing personal data with DWP/Providers/Subcontractors and new Part 8 on Jobsearch activity and 8.1 Jobsearch evidence.
Brilliant letter to withhold or withdraw consent from DWP Work Programme Providers/Subcontractors [for your editing or amendment]
If you are referred to a Subcontractor, it is very important to give a copy of this letter to the Prime Provider as well.
—- start—–
(Your address)
My ref: (national insurance number)
Dear [Provider's and or/Subcontractor's name],
RE: Authority and Consent to Collecting/Gathering/Sharing/Disclosure of my Personal Information*
Part 1: Any Third Party, Outcome related payments and In-Work Support
I writing to you to confirm that I do not or no longer consent to [Provider's and or/Subcontractor's name] gathering from or sharing my personal data, with any Third Party, for example an employer or another training provider, for the purpose of  placing me into training or work.

“Work Programme, participants may withdraw consent that they have given where it concerns their provider sharing data with athird party. Where participants have given their consent for the Work Programme provider to share their data with a third party, they may withdraw this consent at any time”  

From:  DWP Central FoI Team  – 28 February 2014 [1]
Part 1.1: Job outcome related payments
I will be informing all past and future employers not to share any of my personal data with the DWP or any of it’s Providers or Subcontractors, relating to any contact you may make with my employers, particularly to secure any DWP Job Outcome or Sustainment Outcome payments. A copy of the letter being sent to employers, is shown below in Annex A.
Part 1.2: In-work support
I confirm that I do not agree to any in-work support mechanisms, especially if I am no longer claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance.
Part 2: Stopping my Jobseeker’s Allowance claim.
Once I stop claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance I require you to cease and desist from all forms of contact with me, as under Part 5.  (1) (2) (d) of the The Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013, [2] my participation in the Work Programme ceases to apply.
“Sanctions can only be applied when a person is in receipt of Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA). If a claim has ended and JSA is no longer in payment, no sanction will be applied if a person declines to avail themselves of any additional support on offer or fails to respond to any further contact from a Work Programme provider.”
From: DWP Central FoI Team – 29 October 2013 [3]
Part 3: Collection and retention of my personal data
Customer Consent to Sharing/Disclosure of Personal Information
Providers are reminded that they are required to obtain customer consent prior to their collecting of customer’s personal information and sharing/disclosure of such information with the Department [DWP/Jobcentre] and/or other providers.
These consents must be given by the customer before any information disclosure takes place.
Your organisation needs to make it clear to customers that giving consent is voluntary and that refusal to give consent or withdrawal of an existing consent will not affect any benefit they may be entitled to.
From: The Generic Provider Guidance – Chapter 5
Whilst the above Chapter 5 memo was written in 2008 [4], it relies on the basic Principles of the 1998 Data Protection Act and therefore remains as valid today as then.
On occasion I may not wish to allow [Provider's and or/Subcontractor's name] to collect/retain requested personal data that requires my specific, fully informed and freely given consent, therefore under the Work Programme[Provider's and or/Subcontractor's name] needs to investigate ways in which I can still participate, without the personal data being collected/retained by [Provider's and or/Subcontractor's name]. [5]
If [Provider's and or/Subcontractor's name] wishes to collect/retain personal data not already held by the Department of Work and Pensions/Jobcentre Plus (DWP/JCP),please fully inform me in writing whether this collection or retention requires my consent. If you consider collection and retention of  specific personal data of mine is a reasonable mandatory Work Programme activityyou are required to issue me with a Mandatory Activity Notification (MAN) [6] which clearly names the precise and specific personal data you want to collect/retain, to ensure certain policy, procedural and legal regulations are adhered to.
Part 4: To provide my personal data by only having to show it.

It may at times be a reasonable  Work Programme mandatory activity for me to only show/provide [Provider's and or/Subcontractor's name] personal data specifically requested,  you are required to issue me with a MAN which clearly names the precise and specific personal data you want me to show/provide, to ensure certain policy, procedural and legal regulations are adhered to.

Part 5: Evidence of employment
To restate I do not/no longer consent or authorise [Provider's and or/Subcontractor's name] or the Department of Work and Pensions or Jobcentre Plus to contact any employer to obtain evidence of my employment. As this will contradict instructions I have given to all employers, see  Annex A
Part 6:  DWP Memo WP029: Managing Disclosure of Information Objections
This letter is not about DWP disclosure of my personal data under section 3 of the Social Security Act 1998. Or your role as a DWP Data Processor under the Data Protection Act 1998.  DWP Memo WP029 [7] does not address Part 1, Part 2,  Part 3 or Part 4 of this letter.

Part 7: My disclosure to a Third Party
If [Provider's and or/Subcontractor's name] reasonably requires me to disclose my personal data with any specific Third Party,[8]  for example an employer, recruiter or recruitment agency for the purposes of applying for a job or another training provider to assist me become more work ready,  please supply me with sufficient written information and a MAN so I can share my personal data on a confidential basis, with the Third Party myself.
Part 8: Jobsearch and evidence
Prior to my mandatory referral to the Work Programme I was able to carry out all my Jobsearch activity requirements within my own resources, such as getting independent advice and support with my CV and Job applications, free use of computers, printing, phone, fax and letter writing and postage etc. If you wish me to attend your premises or any other on a mandatory basis, please state in writing why this would be reasonable and how it would be in addition to the Jobsearch resources I already have access to.
Part 8.1 Evidence
If you wish me to undertake specific Jobsearch activity you must issue me with a Mandatory Activity Notification, if you want me to provide evidence of my jobsearch please note:
“A Work Programme provider may ask you to provide evidence of your job search as part of their support they give you but they cannot mandate you to provide it and you will not be sanctioned if you do not provide it”
From: DWP Central FoI Team – 28 February 2014 [9]
All evidence of my jobsearch is provided to the Jobcentre.
Part 9: Your letter reply and potential complaint
I expect a letter from [Provider's and or/Subcontractor's name], within 10 working days, to formally acknowledge that I have withheld/withdrawn my consent specifically outlined in Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 above. Failure to acknowledge my consent being withheld/withdrawn by letter will be treated as a Stage 1 formal Data Protection Act (1998) related Complaint.
DWP Framework Agreement for the provision of employment related support services.
24.3.11  notify the Authority [DWP] within five (5) Working Days if it receives: 
a complaint or request relating to the Authority’s obligations under the Data Protection Act. 
I take this opportunity to confirm I prefer future communication with [Provider's and or/Subcontractor's name] to be by letter As well as any Mandatory Activity Notice to only include one activity and no other and to be sent to me using a signed-for proof-of-delivery service to my home address.
Kind regards
[Your name]
[1]  DWP Central FoI Team  – 28 February 2014
[2] The Jobseeker’s Allowance (Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment) Regulations 2013
[3] ‘Work Programme sanctions?’
DWP Central FoI Team – 29 October 2013
[5] ‘REED and my CV’
“If the claimant does not wish to provide this information it may be the case that, with
the provider, they can investigate ways in which they can still participate in the Scheme,
without the additional information being provided.”
[7] DWP Memo WP029: Managing Disclosure of Information Objections
[9] DWP Central FoI Team – 10 September 2013
[Annex A]
Dear Employer,
RE: My Data Protection Act (1998) consent to share my Personal Data
I am writing to advise that I do not or no longer consent/give permission for you as my employer, under my Data Protection Act (1998) rights, to confirm or deny I am employed by you or to share my employee Personal Data including but not exclusively my Job Title, Hours of Work, Works Number, Wages etc, with any Third Party.
If anyone whatsoever should contact you for my Personal Data please request them to write to me  at my home address, permission for you to share my home address is not given.
Please note any Third Party includes The Department for Work and Pensions/Jobcentre Plus or any of it’s Providers such as [Name of Provider/Subcontractor].
If anyone supplies you with a form signed by me giving consent to share the aforementioned employee Personal Data, I confirm this is no longer valid and I do not agree to anyone mentioned on the form to be given my employee Personal Data.
Exceptions to above are given for HMRC for income tax and national insurance purposes.
Beside HMRC, if you do supply any of my Personal Data to any Third Party, please supply me with a copy of my Personal Data shared and a copy of the Third Parties written request.
Please confirm in writing that you received and will be acting upon the instructions set out in this letter to ensure your compliance with my Data Protection Act (1998) rights.
Notes: Welfare rights law and DWP guidance, in particular, changes frequently.
You may find more recent information via or by using the website search facility (top right)
28 February 2014
Universal Jobmatch
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