Thursday 5 June 2014

State of Realisation

Musings on State Power

While blogging here, I’ve also been editing a law PhD thesis for someone (ooOoo get her! Hey, I’m not showing off I’m just telling you about a big smack in the face I got from it – in a good way). Writing, editing, that's what I do. The first time I’ve done a thesis though. Needed the money. Big project, hard work and daunting to go through a 300-page serious, traditional, precise manuscript – but I’ve done it. And bless the writer, it’s important work, I think, about the public/private divide – what the State should pay for, basically, and not make money from. Last job to do is to go through it all and capitalise State where it’s not. It’s a formal thing, say all my dictionaries and reference books (not everything’s found through wikipedia). Spotted it late on, as was reading for sense first, then realised: it’s capped. So, stick with me here, I’m doing search and find for every ‘state’ and putting in the capital S. State State State State State State State State State State State State State State State State

And it hit me (even though I had seen it coming), I mean really got me. On top of so many recent events from spying, to war-mongering, to wrecking the economy, the list goes on: What a sorry State indeed. When did so much State corruption pass off as being okay? Something we all agree with (not). Something we want to happen – oh, right, like sending drones to countries to spy and drop bombs on anyone, or provoking warfare in Ukraine, parts of Africa? Urrr, no thanks. In fact: Get the hell out? Or holding secret trials?? Err no thanks, seeing as we’re all enemies of the State, cos it sucks so much. Going all out for fracking? 74% of Britain’s people (94% in today's Daily Mirror poll in fact), and millions more around the world, say, “not on your life!”

The military machine of money making and earth/life destroying has to stop. 

An opposing feeling/energy/movement, is building up, thought, you can feel it. A rebellion of the masses, in many different ways. Come on! We can do this! We can make it our world, not theirs. Take the power back people, the time is now! So many people are saying it. 

So, if you’re not doing much on the summer solstice, join this ancient time for gathering with us. We’ll be sharing where we’ve come and dreaming of where we want to go, sitting in peace, having a laugh, letting the fullest day of sunlight soak into our beings and bring us together in positivity. It really is happening, so come along to:

No to Austerity (in every way)

(What is the Yes?): Yes to Love

Time for the love wave to rise up and Come Together!. As part of the wave of action and part of a wider scene, a worldwide movement. It's gonna be a big day, bring water and snacks to keep you going! In the morning, there's the meditation in Trafalgar Square and bound-to-be funny beach-theme flash mob. Then there’s the big N Austerity demo, full of the unions and all in solidarity with no cuts. And later on in the evening Wake Up London are doing another flash mob meditation to round off the day beautifully. It will be magic. Which is very apt seeing as the day on the 13Moon calendar is called: White Cosmic Wizard! Seriously.
 picture courtesy of resonant truth

And of course, synchronistically the Wizard is John Lennon’s sign. Same day as when I sat around the CND sign for peace and sang Imagine with Wake Up London and other groups back in September 2012. He was an avatar, to me, a true leader of the people. One I’d have voted for anyway.

So, I'm proud and happy to be writing for this wave of inspiration. Hopefully together we're bringing you some life-changing, enlightening, helpful blogs, and sharing the links to countless others who are doing the same. We are all in this together – but not as the likes of Cameron think (in the shit together) -  many of us want it to be different. We are here for the rise of a deeper ‘hippie’ spirit of peace and love, guided by the likes of Lennon, Martin Luther King, all the great musicians, artists, deep-thinkers, questioners of our shared ancestry. That energy is described as returning in the astrology of the time too – the ongoing Uranus Pluto Square - google it, youtube it for good background info such as this by Steve Judd Astrology. It’s not insignificant - and certainly not to be ignored. Doesn’t it feel like we’re part of the change we want to be? Surely we’re getting there? We’ve just got to keep going now.

One key question good to ask (although not always easy) and a direction our governments need to take, for everyone's sake:

Author, philosopher and happiness expert Robert Holden, in his book Loveability, asks, 'what would love do?' 

His work comes from years of following A Course in Miracles, much like Louise Hay, Gabrielle Bernstein, and many other great thinkers of our time, explaining that you create miracles whenever you change your mind – towards love. Not just positive thinking and affirmations – cos I’m always full of doubt when I repeat stuff at my face in the mirror and don’t fully believe it, haven’t lived it – but by changing the way you look at the world, as if from the position of love.

Where love comes first.

What a force that would be. 

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